Company Overview

Our Finakle ERP software records all accounting transactions using information systems including creditor accounts, debtor accounts, product accounts, banking operations, all stock controls, human development, and payroll transactions. Developed by local software engineers to suit any business, this software can make any changes to suit your business. All customer records, all supplier records, all business financial statements and profit and loss account, all records up to the balance sheet are immediately available. Finakle ERP software is designed to allow all branches of your business to operate from a single location, even if you have several branches. SMS facility, Android facilities Finakle ERP software is a special feature.

Our mission

Values are to help customers throughout Sri Lanka to realize their full potential. We are specializing in providing the latest IT solutions by providing consultancy, design implementation and technical support services for international organizations and industry sectors. Ensuring a high level of satisfaction among our customers and partners is a core component of business at Finakle ERP Solutions.Innovative technologies will open up fresh opportunities across the globe, allowing the supply of new goods and services to everyone who wants them.

Our vision

Finakle ERP Solutions will be the most powerful professional organization in the technological industry having a strong network with Software Engineers, Architects, Designers, Code Writers and similar allied professions in Finakle ERP Solutions. Customer and partner experience is a company-wide strategy to increase customer satisfaction and improve experiences with our products, programs, and services. We continue to listen and respond to our customers and partners and are committed to improve their experiences with us. Ultimately, enabling our customers to serve their customers effectively is our motto, which should result in speedy and measurable benefits to the customer organizations.

Our values

As a company, and as individuals, we value integrity, honesty, openness, personal excellence, constructive self-criticism, continual self-improvement and mutual respect. We are committed to our customers and partners and have a passion for technology. We take on big challenges, and become proud ourselves on seeing them through. We hold ourselves accountable to our customers, shareholders, partners, and employees by honoring our commitments, providing results, and striving for the highest quality.

Customer Care

We understand that technologies in the field we share can be uneasy in use and therefore our company aspires to help customers in resolving their problems. First of all, it means the convenient, clear and intuitive interface in which we try to take the most of modern wizards. If a problem or a question arises, the user can try to find the answer with the own knowledge based by customer. Any user is always capable to receive the latest product update online and remain confident that he/she uses leading technologies developed up-to-date.

Environmental Policy

Our objective in relation to the environment is to comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements while proactively avoiding any possible harmful impacts of our operations; mitigating to the greatest extent any unavoidable harm; and actively reversing or remedying any harm we may have caused.

Finakle ERP Solutions is committed to protect human health and natural resources, promoting environmental technologies and implementing innovative environmental technologies and practices. Through management leadership, employee participation, and professional environmental support, Finakle ERP Solutions is committed to

  • Develop plans with objectives and targets to minimize adverse environmental impacts and measure our progress towards these goals.
  • Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and other requirements
  • Provide all Finakle ERP Solutions staff with the knowledge and tools needed to prevent negative environmental impacts.
  • Implement effective pollution prevention and waste minimization programs to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials.e
  • Take personal responsibilities to protect the environment as we conduct our work. We ensure that we have the knowledge, skills and equipment to conduct our work in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.


Finakle ERP Solutions serves in various technological areas. We are specialized in the area of setting up server based computing solutions, designing and implementing enterprise wide email and networks, setting up preventive disaster avoidance systems through effective backup and technology development dissemination.

Research & Development Department

Software Testing & Development Department

Project Consultancy Department

Web Developing Department

Marketing Department